Eric Anders & Mark O'Bitz : Singer-Songwriter Duo
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“Family Song” draws on the tradition of the deepest roots of the American songbook ... a beautiful symbiosis of folk, country, blues, and gospel (the backing vocals [by Jenn Grinels] are incredible!) ... one of the most powerful songs released in recent times ... The Loss We've Won [is] one of the great albums released in recent times, with excellent production by Mike Butler. Eric Anders and Mark O'Bitz are still SUPREME!
Alessandro Iglesias, Roadie Music
"Somehow, the overall mood of the project appeals to an inner, likely repressed, longing or necessity. They've crafted a feeling more than a sound... This perfect immersive experience is not coincidental or even mere serendipity. A well-balanced mixed and carefully considered arrangement bears the weight of all this goodness.... The project is summed perfectly in its title. This is not "The Loss." It's either "the loss we've earned" or "in the losing, we have won." With either understanding, it is what it is and we experience it all together."
Germar Derron, Look to the Cookie
"A brilliant ... Americana release with a lot of heart.... We cannot recommend The Loss We’ve Won highly enough. It is an intelligently composed and arranged release that will stand the test of time. We cannot wait to hear what Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz will do next!"
"The Loss We've Won" reveals these expert songwriters at their most lyrically urgent, melodic, and warm as they meditate on universal themes.
Kath Galasso, OnStage Magazine
The Loss We've Won
An Anders/O'Bitz/Butler Americana Project
Released May 13, 2022​
A 9-song Americana concept album.
Produced and Mixed by Mike Butler
Mastered by Jamal Ruhe
All Songs Written by Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz
Except “Not At One,” written by Eric Anders and Benedikt Bohm
For more on this album see Eric's blogpost, "The Loss We've Won."
Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz continue a prolific catalog of albums known for their social commentary and immersive moods with new full-length offering The Loss We’ve Won, an album that bears the weight of existential uncertainty while turning inward to find some peace. From the haunting “Not At One” to the radiant lead single “One Life”, there is a consistently potent, timely songwriting coming from this musical partnership.... The Loss We’ve Won reveals these expert songwriters at their most lyrically urgent, melodic, and warm as they meditate on universal themes.
Kath Galasso, OnStage Magazine
Good Day Noir Family. Our “Edgar Allan Poets’ Artists/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz and their album, The Loss We’ve Won. Are you ready for this delicate musical journey? The music proposed by this duo manages to awaken distant emotions, hidden in our souls. It makes us find faded memories, like when we open a drawer and find yellowed Polaroids inside. We look at those photos with nostalgia and joy. This is what these songs make you feel… nostalgia and joy. The Loss We’ve Won intimacy is thrilling. The guitar with its solos and arpeggios caresses your heart. The magnificent vocal interpretation speaks directly to your heart. The musical chemistry that Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz have managed to create is enviable. Their music carries tradition with it. I thought of the pioneers playing similar songs around the fire to distract themselves from the hardships of life. We can find those dreams and adventures in the melodies of these beautiful songs. A fantastic discovery that I recommend to everyone
Roadie Music:
Por Alessandro Iglesias
A parceria entre os musicistas e compositores Eric Anders e Mark O’Bitz, é uma das mais furtivas nos últimos tempos, a dupla sempre nos proporciona material de primeiríssima em seus trabalhos, impressiona como sempre tem algo para impactar em seus lançamentos. A expectativa com relação aos caras é sempre altíssima, e eles são os responsáveis por esse nível de excelência que sempre se permeia! E não poderia ser diferente com The Loss We’ve Won, o mais novo sensacional álbum, um grande conjunto de nove canções.
A abertura “One Life” com seu dedilhado singelo, arrebata um arremedo folk que vai crescendo gradativamente com instrumental repleto de projeções minimalistas nos acordes e melodias. A voz primorosa conduz toda essa experiência sensorial, onde a aparente simplicidade descamba em proporções épicas ancoradas pelas cordas magistrais que são destiladas em caráter sublime! “Family Song” bebe na tradição das raízes mais profundas do cancioneiro americano, então nos deparamos com uma simbiose belíssima de folk, country, blues e gospel (os corais são incríveis!), uma das canções mais poderosas lançadas nos últimos tempos, descambando uma emotividade de proporções perenes e irresistíveis.
A faixa seria o título do disco, como atestam os autores frente ao conceito instaurado: “canções americanas sobre família, casamento, paternidade, envelhecimento… e extinção humana”. “Abobe Below” vai mais a fundo em permeios country, e nasce com ares classicosos, caindo muito bem nos melhores momentos do repertório de lendas como Willie Nelson e Garth Brooks, apenas para citar exemplos. Realmente não fica nada a dever para os grandes hinos desse segmento tão incensado, o que só reforça o poderio desta música e de todo o repertório como um todo. Aliás, chega de destacar faixas, embarque em The Loss We’ve Won como um todo e se delicie amplamente com um dos grandes álbuns lançados nos últimos tempos, com a grande produção de Mike Butler. Eric Anders e Mark O’Bitz continuam SUPREMOS! Disponibilizado abaixo.
FV Music Blog: "Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz – The Loss We’ve Won"
California-based duo Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz have released the brilliant album, The Loss We’ve Won. It is an Americana release with a lot of heart. ‘One Life’ opens the release to a gorgeously picked acoustic guitar and a soulful vocal performance. It is a gentle but engaging song with wonderful melodies.
‘Family Song’ is a stand-out track which features layered instrumentation and relatable lyrics. It touches the audience’s heart and leaves a lasting mark. In addition, ‘Above Below’ has a compelling string arrangement and memorable melodies. ‘Young Eyes’ fills the sonic spectrum with vivid color and a genuine vocal performance. Finally, ‘Our Load’ closes the release, and it will have the listener reaching for the repeat button.
Mike Butler
Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz have teamed up with musician Mike Butler to create this magnificent concept album. Together, the team has crafted a body of work that stands out from the crowd. It is a superb collection of songs that work as a whole. So turn down the lights and turn up the volume, ‘The Loss We’ve Won’ is an album you want to take time out of your day to hear.
Must-Hear Release
We cannot recommend The Loss We’ve Won highly enough. It is an intelligently composed and arranged release that will stand the test of time. We cannot wait to hear what Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz will do next!
Look to the Cookie: "Eric Anders and Mark O'Bitz, The Loss We've Won"
By Germar Derron
I listened to this album after another senseless mass shooting in the United States--the fourth or fifth within just a few short weeks. It helped. Apparently, Anders and O'Bitz are known for their social commentary and immersive moods. I may not be in a place to dissect commentary, but the immersive mood calmed me.
None of the nine tracks here sound uplifting in the traditionally bright, loud, or fast sense. And, honestly, sometimes that pleasant plucking can agitate or even infuriate. But even without the smiles and rainbows, something about The Loss We’ve Won feels hopeful. Somehow, the overall mood of the project appeals to an inner, likely repressed, longing or necessity. They've crafted a feeling more than a sound.
A common debate poses this question: do we listen to music that fits our mood, or do we listen to music to change our mood? Somehow, here, Anders and O'Bitz answer "yes" to both questions. Often, when the soul saddens we turn to nostalgia, like the music of our past--a time when life was light and joy-filled. Sometimes we turn to pop or dance--shiny, sparkly things that distract--instant mood boosters. The Loss We’ve Won fits the mood of this dark moment, while still promoting peace, calmness, and relaxation.
While listening to "Family Song," I felt this missing familial love before I read the title or noticed the clearer than glass lyrics.
This perfect immersive experience is not coincidental or even mere serendipity. A well-balanced mixed and carefully considered arrangement bears the weight of all this goodness.
The project is summed perfectly in its title. This is not "The Loss." It's either "the loss we've earned" or "in the losing, we have won." Under either understanding, it is what it is and we experience it all together.
Obscure Sound: "Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz – The Loss We’ve Won"
By Mike Mineo
The newest collaborative album from Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz, The Loss We’ve Won is a moving release that intermingles folk, Americana, and rock with Anders’ relatable lyrical content. Some tracks are autobiographical, and — per Anders’ blog post — the album, in general, delivers “Americana songs about family, marriage, parenting, getting old … and human extinction.”
Solemn, flickering acoustics, and a string-laden undercurrent craft a striking soundscape throughout the opening “One Life,” where yearning to “hold tight,” amidst the heart-tugging instrumentation resonates. Strings are especially evident on the riveting “Above Below,” succeeding in its folk/country arena. “Not at One (Revisited)” stands out in the folk-rock vein, reminiscent fondly of Father John Misty.
The emotive songwriting continues throughout, touching on various phases of one’s lifetime. Led by vibrant guitars and multiple vocal layers, “Family Song” plays as a welcoming ode to new life, similar thematically to Sturgill Simpson’s “Welcome to Earth (Pollywog).” Similarly, the playful melodic pull of “Young Eyes” resonates alongside youthful retrospection.
The duo again partnered with multi-instrumentalist and producer Mike Butler for the album, following up on previously featured efforts like “Morton’s Pillory Plea” and “Bury Me.”
Sinusoidal Music: "Eric Anders and Mark O’ Britz – The Loss We’ve Won | Fine Rock"
... together they bring their own authentic styles to create music that’s not only appealing but also one of a kind. They produce songs ... that are quite traditional ... but also have a contemporary element always present in them. Their songs have profound lyrics and stunning instrumentality... a profound album of 9 songs.... a deep, poignant album ... a richly artistic delight ... The best thing about the album is its versatility and also its consistency in its theme at the same time.... Each song feels intense ... and has a tint of melancholy.... The songs are rich and are fused with both the artists’ ingenuities as performers and musicians.... "Family Song" is a song with a profound melody and has to be one of my favorite songs. "Our Load" is another one of my favorites ... it’s rather a deep and somber track with an amazing flow and outstanding soundscapes to complement it. The whole album features some stunning tracks ... if you like some good, crisp, rock music, this is the album to go for! "ERIC ANDERS E MARK O'BITZ SE UNEM PARA FAZER UM ÁLBUM SENSACIONAL"
Por: Tati Teixeira
O cantor e compositor Eric Anders se uniu a Mark O'Bitz para lançar seu novo e lindo álbum.
The Loss We’ve Won é o novo trabalho de Eric Anders, com 9 músicas inéditas o disco é autêntico e traz um folk leve e profundo.
A primeira canção já mostra a que o álbum veio, com uma sonoridade folk, embalada com o violão e sons leves , somado a voz única, marcante e potente de Eric, um folk raiz, carregado de emoção, com uma timbres que conseguem passar exatamente o que deseja, música feita com a alma.
A segunda canção, "Not at One," é uma balada romântica, sentimental, com sonoridades clássicas e mostrando mais uma vez o poder da voz de Eric, é uma faixa que carrega um som um pouco mais rock junto ao folk, é apaixonante, é gostosa de ouvir e a mistura de elementos é criativa, é muito forte essa faixa, letra envolvente e linda.
A terceira faixa é "Family Song," o violão entra junto da voz, dando ritmo e uma vibe única que proporciona leveza e reflexão ao nosso dias, esse álbum tem essa característica de dar leveza e imersão aos nossos pensamentos, é uma sensação gostosa e somos gratos ao compositor por nos dar esse momento de paz.
A quarta música "Set Our Fate" tem uma pegada rock, nos lembra os hits oitentistas que embalaram as noites românticas, é um folkrock original, e nos conquista, cada música desse álbum surpreende com a voz perfeita do cantor.
Sem mais Spoillers o disco segue com muita emoção e faixas fáceis de amar, é muito bom encontrar álbuns profundo que mexem com nossos sentimentos ainda nos dias de hoje, nada de superficialidade, música feita com o verdadeiro propósito de se fazer música, atingir e mudar a vida das pessoas, nos emociona ver um trabalho tão lindo, nós amamos e vocês devem ouvir: